A Bible for Teaching

[this page is a mess, wildly incomplete and still a work in progress]

Read one passage every day.

Like believers study a Bible or Koran daily and weekly, study these lessons repeatedly to responsibly fulfill your duties as an educator.
Thou shalt be able to list these in your sleep, and implement them intuitively ;)

The teachings of religions outlast any state or education system.
So for the sake of lasting > temporary impact, we phrase these lessons as religion and encourage you to absorb and share them as such. 

[maybe turn this into a song? Rhyme and rhythm makes everything stick better.]

Could turn this into an app for teachers. They download our app, and every morning we prompt them with a piece of wisdom.
They can click on it, maybe engage a bit, and verify they looked at it. And they can send in their own bits of wisdom, and comment on others.