Our Philosophy for Great Education

[this page is a mess and still a work in progress]

At such a song a young age, what kids need most is a strong foundation on which to build their lives.
Roots to grow from. A stem to branch from. We should be careful not to force them to become branches before they become a tree. According to Tzedakah's 8 levels of helping, the highest level is to help others become self reliant. Teach to fish, find lakes and make fishing rods. That is what we aim to do.

We will provide wisdom that'll make adults say "I wish I learned that in school"!

Our approach is based on the best aspects from various schools, including Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio. And we've included a aspects that we thought were still missing.

We divide our curriculum into three main categories, as can be seen below.
But they overlap a lot and naturally transition into each other. 

Competence follows desire.
And desire without competence is futile.
So, our goal is two-fold:

1. The will to contribute

Prosocial and moral norms, ambitions and ideals. 

2. The skill to contribute

To be good at finding, creating, evaluating and applying insights.

The curriculum

The world within you

Know yourself.
- Socrates

Here, we understand the world within us. The body and mind that we live inside of, and that we are.
Here we delve into the psychology that runs our mind, which in turn runs our lives.
Our operating system, if you will. 

The link

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors;
we borrow it from our children.

Here we understand the intricate interplay, interdependence and mutual influence of the world within us, within all of us, and the world around us.

The world around you

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
- William Arthur Ward

Here, we understand the world around us. Both the natural world, and human societies.

This has traditionally been the sole focus of the common education system.

Teaching methods

Self-inspired exploration

The only way to do great work,
is to love what you do.
- Steve Jobs

Learning should be fun:
Engaging lesson material

Awesome quote.
- Person

Some subjects just need to be taught, even if the child does not actively seek them out. But they can be taught in far more engaging and effective ways than we are used to.


Carrots. Not just sticks.
- Person

Conventionally, children are motivated to perform school work by the threat of punishment if they don't. We believe there should also be more positive incentives, that make it appealing to perform well!

Self development and
self appreciation

The only way to do great work,
is to love what you do.
- Steve Jobs

Engaging high quality lessons, consistently

Awesome quote.
- Person

Some subjects just need to be taught, even if the child does not actively seek them out. But they can be taught in far more engaging and effective ways than we are used to.


Carrots. Not just sticks.
- Person

Conventionally, children are motivated to perform school work by the threat of punishment if they don't. We believe there should also be more positive incentives, that make it appealing to perform well!

So we introduce a new topic to the curriculum:

Fundamental Ingredients for Being Human

We consider the following topics to be of indispensable value to any human life

Sub goals to achieve the main goal, and subsequent structure of our curriculum:

Other fun ideas